"91-year-old yogi, Bernice Bates, began practicing and teaching yoga in 1960. Before even getting out of bed in the morning she does a series of seven or soposes to get her blood flowing -- how awesome is that?Bernice tells MSNBC that she credits yoga with keeping her healthy and flexible:
"I think yoga is the best exercise there is. I've never had anything I had to go to the doctor for, except checkups. That should say something." See the article here
A new study in BMJ , the British medical journal, has revived interest in the issue of the kind of materials best used for hip replacements.
This author recommends getting a second opinion on getting a metal hip replacement. Read the full article here In her book “Infinite Mind” Valerie Hunt explains how she has found a way to confirm the existence of the human energy field, which has given credibility to the idea of vibrational frequency. Hunt writes that as we raise our vibrational frequency, we are raising our energy fields and impacting what we are attracting to ourselves. Our energy fields interact with other people’s energy fields, and as we shift or pivot our
energy field, it impacts other people’s experience of us. Even our name vibrates differently 12/7/2011 0 Comments David Hawkins StudyA man named David Hawkins did a 29-year study that demonstrated that the human body becomes stronger or weaker depending on a person’s mental state. He created a scale of 1-1000 to map out the vibrational frequencies of human consciousness. He found that any state that caused a person to vibrate at a frequency below 200 (or 20,000 cycles per second) weakens the body and from 200 to 1000 makes the body stronger. The highest calibration during his study was Mother Teresa at 700. One thousand is called Spirit. This is the frequency of absolute power. [Power by Force by David R. Hawkins, MD, PdD; Veritas Publishing]. When the highest and fastest frequencies (Spirit) are brought to the presence of lower and slower frequencies, they nullify and dissipate those things we call problems. This ability is in all of us and we can all plug in.
IF we can change the way we vibrate, we can bring ourselves into harmony with these energies. We can truly allow our lives, our relationships, and our Being-ness to expand with joy, health, peace, and prosperity. No one else can vibrate for us! The following was published in http://air-purifier-reviewsite.com regarding how to get cleaner air for less expense with the help of house plants.
"Here are 15 plants that could clean your air for just the price of a few drops of water each day. First lets check some of the evidence behind the claim that plants can purify your household air: 1. NASA RESEARCHA NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.” Here are the results of the NASA research study: Common name 1. Areca palm Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 8.5 2. Lady palm Rhapis excelsa 8.5 3. Bamboo palm Chamaedorea seifrizii 8.4 4. Rubber plant Ficus robusta 8.05 5. Dracaena “Janet Craig”Dracaena deremensis “Janet raig” 7.8 6 English ivy Hedera helix 7.8 7 Dwarf date palm Phoenix roebelinii 7.88 8. Ficus AliiFicus macleilandii “Alii” 7.7 9. Boston fern Nephrolepis exalta “Bostoniensis” 7.5 10 Peace lilySpathiphyllum sp. 7.5 Source 2. INTERIOR PLANTS: THEIR INFLUENCE ON AIRBORNE MICROBES INSIDE ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS In another study made in 1996, a bedroom with no plants had 50% more colonies of airborne microbes than a room which contained houseplants. Source 3. FOLIAGE PLANTS FOR INDOOR REMOVAL OF THE PRIMARY COMBUSTION GASES CARBON MONOXIDE AND NITROGEN DIOXIDE During a laboratory experiment in 1985, Dr. Wolverton PHD compared the removal of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide using a sealed chamber of spider plants. Source 4. DR WOLVERTON – FORMALDEHYDE REMOVAL EXPERIMENT In another laboratory study by Dr. Wolverton PHD, he compared a number of house plants at removing formaldehyde from a sealed chamber. Formaldehyde is a common household toxin that is released from a variety of household items. With reference to the experiments of Dr Wolverton and the NASA experiments, I have compiled a list of 15 house plants that provide the greatest level of air purification. 1. Areca Palm Tree The Areca palm tree is the very best air purifying plant according to the ratings from NASA’s research and has the 8th highest removal rate for Formaldehyde according to Dr Wolverton’s data. This house plant was referred to as “the most effective air humidifier” by MetaEfficient.com. The Areca has the ability to maintain your office or home moist throughout dry periods as well as continually removing chemical toxins from your air. In the course of the winter season, it’s so effective at putting moisture back in the air that you could switch off your electric humidifiers! 2. Lady Palm This house plant – Lady palm (or Rhapis excelsa) achieved exactly the same rating as the Areca Palm tree in NASA’s research. This adaptable house plant, can be stored in dry or moist parts of the world ( between 20-100° Fahrenheit) and is particularly resistant to the majority sorts of plant insects. The Lady Palm is not the most effective at removing Formaldehyde so if this is a concern then i would suggest you look at another plant.... 3. Bamboo Palm The bamboo palm was the third most powerful plant at removing formaldehyde from the air. It ranked third in the NASA experiment so is a good all rounder at keeping your room air clean. This house plant will grow best in a moist but not wet soil and in direct sunlight. However this palm will require lots of room to grow, so it might not be the best option if want this plant to sit on your desk..... 9. Boston Fern The Boston fern was the most effective plant at removing Formaldehyde and removed significantly more per hour than the rest of plants examined. Studies have also shown that the Boston fern will also eliminate heavy metals, such as mercury and arsenic from the soil.... 4. Rubber Plant This rubber house plant (Ficus robusta) has been mentioned as one of the leading Twenty plants by Doctor. B.C. “Bill” Wolverton’s “50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home Or Office.” This rubber house plant provides moisture, eliminates bio effluents, takes away volatile organic compounds as well as suppresses air based microorganisms as soon as it’s put into a room As time passes this rubber plant will become much more skilled at eliminating toxic compounds present in the air. Bacteria within the rubber plants leaves break up the toxins and also feast on them. The procedure subsequently emits clean air in to the surrounding environment. Since the plant grows, these microorganisms increase. This increased number of bacteria assist the rubber house plant in becoming progressively more effective at extracting further toxic compounds from the air. 5. Janet Craig – Dracaena The Dracaena (or Dracaena deremensis) places fifth on NASA’s ranking with a 7.8 score. According to data it can remove Formaldehyde, at a rate of 1,328 micrograms per hour. It also removes Xylene, at a rate of 154 micrograms per hour according tohttp://www.earthwitchery.com/pollution.html Recommended Placement in Home: These are especially effective in newly carpeted or newly furnished rooms were formaldehyde levels are at the highest. Tips to keep this plant healthy: Favours vibrant light, although not direct sunlight.
If your air flow in your geographical area has got stagnant and dried out, English ivy (also known as Hedera helix) may be just the solution! WebMD.com talks about this effervescent house plant as “a solution for allergic reactions” observing that sixty percent of air based mold within the space was removed after just six hrs right after English ivy had been introduced. People that have allergies, asthma, or even the desire to inhale cleaner, more fresh air might be wise to give this English ivy plant a shot! 7. Date Palm Tree Although it does not position at the top of the purifying scale when compared to it’s three palm relatives, make no mistake: this Date palm house plant (also known as Phoenix roebelinii) remains an extremely efficient and stylish looking method to both cheer up the design of an area and reduce the content level of volatile organic compounds floating all over the air. The Date house plant is very effective at getting rid of formaldehyde thus works great in combination with other purifier plants (has the second highest removal rate after the fern plant.) 8. Ficus Alii This ficus alii (also known as the Ficus macleilandii) isn’t as strong in it’s pollutant-removing effectiveness as, say, a rubber plant, however it remains an excellent addition to any kind of office or home wherever clear air is missing. Although they aren’t terribly difficult to look after, PlantCareGuru.com alerts to us that hand protection ought to be used whilst dealing with the house plant for those who have latex allergic reactions. 10. Peace Lilly The Peace Lily (also known as Spathiphyllum sp.) is a perfect air purifier plant for those who don’t have green fingers. Peace Lilies are often found in malls because they are so easy to grow. If you scared you might kill your new house plant then I recommend you go for this one. 11. Aloe Vera Aloe vera was proven to be a lot more effective at the elimination of formaldehyde at lesser concentrations when compared with Philodendrons. Aloe vera is likewise famous as being a healing plant acknowledged for it’s therapeutic qualities, giving it the majority of its nicknames. The Aloe house plant was also used in the initial photography used for the Andrea plant air purifier – probably due to the plants purification properties. 12. Spider Plants The spider plant was used by Dr Wolverton in his 1985 study that examined the plants removal of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. In a room with many spider plants the amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide dropped to near zero after only 24 hours. Source 13. Chrysanthemum This particularly attractive house plant was shown to be effective at removing the VOC compound – benzene which has been known to cause cancer. Many tobacco products contain high levels of benzene so it would be helpful to have one of these plants in a smoking household. However no house plant can ever negate the effects of tobacco smoke. Remember to be careful with Chrysanthemum as it is poisonous when ingested or with prolonged skin exposure. 14. Heart leaf philodendron The N.A.S.A. study showed that the Philodendron house plant was one of the best house plant for elimination formaldehyde from the surrounding air, especially when working with higher concentrations. 15. Snake Plants or Mother of Law Tongue Snake house plants — these types of plants tend to be incredible growers and also extremely tough. They’re excellent at eliminating the majority of toxins plus they are quite happy to grow in areas where other plants may decline and perish ( say for example a hot window ledge). Also, they are great bathroom and darker area plants. One Final Point:Make sure to Maintain your house plants in a good condition and make sure you have enough of them. The NASA research advised that there should be a six inch plant for every 100 sq feet of interior living space" The write in this article has done a wonderful job at researching and listing the most helpful houseplants to help with clean air and our health. Please visit this article at Air Purifier Review Site for more complete information. 12/3/2011 0 Comments The Sun, Light, Love & HealingThis is very helpful information. It helps to understand what helps healing to occur and how the body was created to heal from anything and is powerfully made. Medicine-Less Hospital in China. Woman cured of cancer by belief and feelings alone. Here is proof with real time healing you can watch the cancer dissappear before your eyes 12/1/2011 0 Comments Bam! How comics teach scienceAlan Boyle has written an article in Cosmic Log, MSNBC.com about how the Japanese comic books have always helped to open up and introduce the ideas about the Quantum fluctuations in science, relativity, space and society, and how the Americans are now doing that, too.
He starts by saying that, "...The Japanese have been using manga for decades to teach complex subjects, and now Americans are doing it too.No Starch Press, a San Francisco publishing house, puts out awhole line of manga-style books on math and science, picked up from the original Japanese and translated for the American market. Yes, there's a "Manga Guide to Relativity," as well as calculus, linear algebra, biochemistry and other head-banging subjects.The plot lines may sound sappy to grown-ups. Usually they involve a cute schoolgirl or schoolboy who's challenged by an equally cute teacher to master a seemingly impenetrable subject. But Bill Pollock, the founder and president of No Starch Press, says the books get the job done, especially for students who are at a crucial age for math and science education. "We're not out to publish the best manga ever," Pollock told me. "The manga is a vehicle." Educational comics are nothing new, of course: Classics Illustrated, for example, was delivering comic-book versions of English lit and science class back in the '50s. (I still get the heebie-jeebies when I recall the Classics Illustrated version of "Jane Eyre" that sat in the comic-book box at Grandma's house.) More recently, cartoonist Larry Gonick has been using the comic-book format to explain subjects ranging from chemistry to physics to sex. This year, one of the items on my holiday book list is "Feynman," a graphic-novel biography of the bongo-playing physicist. But manga books come from a different cultural tradition — the same tradition that spawned Pokemon, Hello Kitty and other Japanese imports that American kids have grown up with. In Japan, there's a manga subgenre ("gakushu manga") that is completely focused on education. These books, which range around 200 pages in length, are the ones that have been adapted into English-language "manga guides." Japanese researchers have reported that manga books can deliver information in a shorter time and make a stronger impression than conventional textbooks. "Manga's textual hybridity is utilized to promote the readers' effective learning, as verbal and iconographic tests place multiple layers of information in context and project a focused content," Satsuki Murakami and Mio Bryce wrote in theInternational Journal of the Humanities. You can find the article here at cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com. |
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