2/27/2011 0 Comments Skinnier and more limberI just returned from a John Barnes Myofascial Mobilization class. We worked on each other and I love the skinnier and looser feeling I get from having the work done on me!
"Facilitates self, deep-pressure massage. Patented design allows enhanced leverage and concentrated pressure. Use for trigger points or sore, knotted muscles. Includes user's manual with 39 illustrated uses." Recommended by many MFR therapists. It was shown in the video I have for self-treatment, made by the MFR therapist in Brewster, NY. It's sold by OPTP and you can find it here.
I get it at a slightly discounted price so let me know if you'd like me to help order it for you. "MyoTools develops and distributes massage and trigger point release tools that reduce muscle pain, provide soft tissue therapy, and promote comfort, health, and wellness, The MyoRollers, TPRPal, Bongers, ShiatsuBAg, FibroBag, MyoBAlls, and MyoVise are all simple, innovative myofascial therapy products. They are made in the USA, require nor electricity and are environmentally friendly." "MyoBalls are solid closed cell and will not retain odor or bacteria. They are machine washable in hot water and can be warmed and softened in a clothes dryer. They never require inflating and will not crush, split, deflate or rupture." You can get a variety of 5 Myofascial Release MyoBalls for $16.95. "Rolling on the Shiatsubag provides a dynamic massage or you may be motionless and enjoy static acupressure on any part of your body. You can place it on any supporting surface including the floor, sofa, bed, and chairs. It is a great comfort for people suffering from Fibromyalgia Syndrome." This page gives usage of the Shiatsubag for the erectors, trapezius, pecs, rotator cuff, and the neck. A fellow therapist swears by the MyoRollers and there are many good comments about these products on the web. Here is the video on it's usage. (Turn up your volume) Remember to stay on painful areas 5-7 minutes or more. Here is research published in the Journal of British Dermatology that provides evidence that the sap of a common weed known as milkweed can literally cure certain types of cancers. Article taken from www.naturalnews.com.NaturalNews) If you talk about herbs, plants and other totally natural substances having the potential to actuallycure cancer, odds are you'll be greeted with eye-rolling and disbelief -- especially from the mainstream medical establishment. But research just published in theJournal of British Dermatologyprovides compelling evidence that the sap from a common weed known as milkweed or petty surge can literally cure certain types of cancers.
Although regarded as a nuisance weed by most gardeners, the plant (whose botanical name isEuphorbia peplus) has been valued for centuries in many folk medicine traditions as atreatmentfor asthma, warts and several types ofcancer. Now a group of Australian scientists from a number of medical institutions in Brisbane have tested milkweed sap on humans and found that it works remarkably well on non-melanomaskin cancers. The researchers believe the plant substance is effective due to a compound it contains called ingenol mebutate which destroys cancer cells. Non-melanoma skincancers, which affect hundreds of thousands of people world-wide, are rarely fatal. However, they can be disfiguring without treatment -- which can involve extensive and repeatedsurgery. These malignant lesions usually appear on the areas of the body most often exposed to the sun, including the head, neck, ears, and back of the hands. For the new study, the researchers recruited 36patientswith a total of 48 non-melanoma lesions included basal cell carcinomas (BCC), squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and intraepidermal carcinomas (IEC), a growth of cancerous cells confined to the outer layer of theskin. Some of these people had skin cancers that had failed to respond to conventional treatment including surgery. The rest had refused surgery or had been told surgery was not an option for them due to advanced age. Theresearchparticipants were treated once a day for three consecutive days by an oncologist who used a cotton applicator to simply cover the surface of each cancerous lesion with milkweed sap.One month later, 41 out of 48 cancers had complete disappeared. Patients who had some of lesions remaining after four weeks were given a second course of milkweed sap treatment. And about 15 months following treatment, two thirds of all the 48skin cancer lesions were still showing a completecure. The final outcome was a 75 per cent total response for IEC lesions, 57 per cent for BCC and 50 per cent for SCC lesions. What's more, when the lesions disappeared, the skin was left soft and clear. For more information:http://www.medscape.com/viewpublica... http://www.naturalnews.com/skin_can... Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/031339_milkweed_sap_skin_cancer.html?form_372.replyids=2&form_363.replyids=2&form_346.userid=215&form_346.replyids=9553#ixzz1E5tTnY4c 2/12/2011 1 Comment RAM VolunteersI just volunteered for Remote Area Medical at Sacramento Cal Expo April 1-4, 2011.
If you can volunteer Dental, Medical, Vision, Women's Health or General services ( such as MDs, RNs, EMTs, DDS/DMDs, OMSs, RDHs, DAs, Ophths, Opticians, Op Techs, and general volunteers), and would like more information, please click here, http://www.ramcaliforniavolunteers.org/. If you are uninsured, underinsured, underemployed and unemployed please also check this out for free services for you and your family on April 1-4 in Sacramento and April 9-12 in Oakland. Why it's important to be kind to everyone 24/7, and when you make a mistake, just say and feel "I'm sorry". 2/12/2011 0 Comments BracoAmazing. I've been to his gazing and have seen and felt the benefits to people's lives and health. It is definitely worth checking out. He's in San Francisco tomorrow and Monday. Click here for information and also http://www.braco.net/ 2/12/2011 0 Comments Changing the Way WE EatOn February 12, 2011 at 10:30am (EST), you can participate in a webcast on the... "sustainable food movement and the work being done to shift our food system from industrially-based agriculture to one in which healthy, nutritious food is accessible to all. .. Some kids have never seen a fresh peach." (Click here to read about)
2/12/2011 0 Comments Vaccinations & Flu ShotsFlu vaccination ban goes national after fever convulsions in children (click to read article), Read this article. Do you really feel 100% good about giving your babies and kids shots? If not feeling 100% good, then it's ALWAYS better to listen to your intuition and stay on the side of caution.
"The quest for enlightenment has occupied mankind for millennia. And from the depictions we’ve seen-monks sitting on meditation cushions, nuns kneeling in prayer, shamans communing with the universe-it seems that this elusive state is reserved for a chosen few. But now, neuroscientist David Perlmutter and medical anthropologist and shaman Alberto Villoldo have come together to explore the commonalities between their specialties with the aim of making enlightenment possible for anyone. Joining the long-separated worlds of science and spirit, Perlmutter explores the exciting phenomena of neurogenesis and mitochondrial health, while Villoldo brings his vast knowledge of shamanic and spiritual practices to the table. Together they draw from the most powerful tools in each discipline to create the Power Up Your Brain program, a ground-breaking, five-week plan that helps prime the brain for enlightenment. With nutritional advice, dietary supplements, physical exercise, shamanic practices, meditation, and visualizations, Perlmutter and Villoldo guide readers, step by step, through a program to help them clear their minds from previous trauma and open themselves up to experience the inner peace, vast insight, and extraordinary creativity that define the experience of enlightenment, paving the way to successfully face the challenges to come." The above is the authors' description of their book. If you are tired of struggling with life, read this book and learn how to have a blissful and easy life, the way life was meant to be for You in enlightenment. |
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